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March 10 - April 14

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January 12 - February 2

When it comes to teaching about God, most churches spend the bulk of their time talking about God the Father and his son Jesus. It is easy to understand why: they occupy the center parts of most of the stories of the Bible. And yet, there is another part of the trinity that has just as much influence, power and effect on our lives:  the Holy Spirit.


During our series, we'll do an overview of the Holy Spirit from the pages of scripture. Every disciple of Jesus needs the presence and power of the Holy Spirit to be the person God has called us to be. Not only will we study who He is, but also what He does and the role He plays in our lives. 

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Holy Spirit - What Does He Bring To Our Lives


February 2, 2020

Andy Timm

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Holy Spirit - What Does He Do?


January 26, 2020

Andy Timm

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Holy Spirit - How Do We Receive Him?


January 19, 2020

Andy Timm

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Holy Spirit - Who Is He?


January 12, 2020

Andy Timm

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