Each year, we as church members are able to nominate leaders to be Elders and Deacons. These key volunteer leaders are vital to our pursuit of God's vision. It takes changed leaders reaching out, to impact our church.
During this process be in prayer. Pray for the current Elders, Deacons and nominees as they work through the selection process. Pray God guides and leads you as you nominate men and women for these leadership positions.
Below are the specific position descriptions as well as the voting timeline. The nominees attend information meetings, fill out an extensive questionnaire, and go through an interview process.
The primary roles of the Elders at Macomb is
equip godly leadership,
guide the overall direction for the church,
shepherd the congregation
protect the church from falsehood.
The Elders meet with the ministers on a monthly basis and serve a term of three years.
Larry Dodge
John Knott
Mark VanRheenen
*term will expire this year.
Typically, but not required, Elders take a sabbatical year after their term expires. Elders currently on sabbatical are Brian Carr and Frank Kania. They are eligible for renomination this year.
There is no need to nominate an Elder whose term is not expiring
Deacons are responsible for specific ministry areas throughout the church.
offer spiritual encouragement
Deacons are called to set an example in service and leadership. They serve a two year term.
Steve Cameron - Outreach
Amanda Dodge - Kids
*Barbara Juan - Compassion
*Ameen Kadri - Technology
*Colleen Mead - Kids
*Jeremy Tunks - Sunday Servants
*Beth VanRheenen - Connections
*Andy Young - Building and Grounds
Kent Wagner - Outreach
*term will expire this year.
There is no need to nominate a Deacon whose term is not expiring
June 16 - July 7: Nominations collected
August 18 - September 1: Nominees interviewed
October 14: Nominees informed
October 27: Members receive email sample ballot
November 10: Election Day / Annual Meeting